Microsoft Edge vs Google Chrome - Which web browser is better for you?

April 15, 2022


In the digital era, web browsers are the gateways to our online world. With so many options available, choosing the right one can be a daunting task. Two of the most popular web browsers are Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome. In this post, we’re going to compare the two and find out which one is better for you.


Accessibility is an important aspect to consider when it comes to web browsers. Microsoft Edge is built into Windows 10, making it easy for users to access it. On the other hand, Google Chrome can be downloaded for free on any device, making it accessible to a wider audience.

Winner: Tie


When it comes to speed, Google Chrome used to be the undefeated champion. However, Microsoft Edge has caught up with its new Chromium engine. According to a test by Laptop Mag, Edge outperformed Chrome in speed, loading pages 8.2 seconds faster. This is a significant improvement by Microsoft Edge and puts it in a strong position in this category.

Winner: Microsoft Edge

Memory Usage

Memory usage is a crucial factor to consider with web browsers. The more tabs you have open, the more memory the browser consumes. In a test conducted by Lifewire, both browsers showed similar memory usage when browsing with only one tab. However, when multiple tabs were opened, Microsoft Edge consumed significantly less memory than Google Chrome.

Winner: Microsoft Edge


In terms of security, both Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome have robust security features that protect users from online threats such as phishing and malware. However, Microsoft Edge takes a step further by offering built-in protection against tracking and harmful pop-ups.

Winner: Microsoft Edge


Extensions add additional functionalities to web browsers. Both Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome have a wide range of extensions available in their respective stores. However, Chrome has a larger number of extensions available, while Edge is catching up quickly.

Winner: Google Chrome

Final Verdict

Both Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome have their strengths and weaknesses. If you’re looking for a browser that is faster and consumes less memory, Microsoft Edge is a good choice. On the other hand, if you want a browser with more extensions or one that is easily accessible on any device, Google Chrome may be the better option.


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